USA government said Monday, will be decided "in the days of" additional sanctions, if Russia does not take measures, the implementation of an agreement, in order to ease the tension in Ukraine last week reached in Geneva.
These steps include public calls for dear Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine to vacate occupied buildings and checkpoints, accepting amnesty and political solution to their grievances, State Department spokesman Psaki said ren.
"If they do not take in the next few days, there will be consequences," she said at a news conference on Monday. "Obviously, the things we will have to make a decision in a few days if there will be consequences attempt nothing and accomplish nothing."
Some American congressmen have been at the request of the government of President Barack Obama to the new sanctions on Russia's energy industry and the stiffness of the major banks, to encourage President Putin from the Ukraine border troops, and prevent further Russia invaded the territory of Ukraine. "I want to explore the diplomatic solutions, they may become available and it is very important," the European Group on the Democratic chairman of the committee said in a telephone interview.
"The Russians like to sit down in Geneva held the first across the table from their counterparts in Ukraine, I think this is worth it. I don't think the jury is completely Geneva agreement, "he said.
Ukraine will lose the eastern ''
Some members of Congress have expressed, they do not believe that sanctions are in place - such as by the Obama administration declared personal travel restrictions will stop in moscow.
"I think we will lose the eastern part of Ukraine, if we continue like us," USA Senator Bob Corke, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told NBC's "meet the press" last Sunday said.