
Pump assembly Caution

Subsoiler chisel shovel to good effect subsoiling, small jobs resistance, the bottom of the road after the release of the mouse, the ability to increase waterlogging. After shovel buried deep pine can effectively loosen plow, keeping the soil chaos, while maintaining stability Plowshare work to ensure consistency tillage depth, do not run no leakage stubble plow, plow over the years to solve the case of hard-bottom deviation problem.

Reduce the number of operations, since the flat turned and subsoiling operation once completed, can save operating costs 130 yuan / hm2. Simply turn flat after soiling with a light harrow can reach ridging state again.

In work carried out with plots in the autumn ridge subsoiling mechanical work simultaneously together with the bottom ridge subsoiling operation, the better. Already deep pine ridge bottom land once again subsoiling, plow all the loose, is conducive to the development of root crops, plow fully absorb nutrients and water bottom portion.

Due to flat turn subsoiling, soil broken, ridge height, large illumination area, ground temperature rises rapidly, can be suitable for early sowing period for Miao Qi, uniform seedlings, Miao, Zhuang has created good conditions.

Maintenance of good parts to ensure clean, when assembled it is best to be in the room. Can not beat the part surface directly with a hammer, it should stick mat steel bars or hard to complete assembly.

Pump assembly should be installed in the side edge inspection, the pump shaft should be flexible rotation, without catching; impeller installation, you should pay attention to the shaft head mounted lock washers, impeller and shaft rotational flexibility after installation, without jamming and friction sound; Bearings should be coated with grease, dust cover and installed; the coupling between two plane to install the proper thickness of paper pad and bolts should be uniform; Oil filler should be filled or asbestos rope packing, one should not overextended should be based on usage, allowing padding drip 30-50 drops / min at work. Furthermore, it should be marked speed and power machinery speed matching pulley according to the pump signs, are not free to increase the pump speed.