
Bearing Technology of dominant

On the bearing industry, as well as part of the industry (internal) standard transformed into technical documentation, how to adopt these standards and technical documents for the company's production and business activities it is very important.

Here are some of our approach to this problem.

In addition to mandatory standards recommended standards, the rest of the recommended standards. Some people think that since it is the recommended standard, you can run, you can not perform, or can be lowered standards. This is a mistaken view. Standard is based on the production, but also quality assurance, especially bearing as standard, with the versatility and interchangeability requirements, according to standard production is an important way to increase market share.

Therefore, in my company, "Standardization Management Measures" provides that: recommended standards, once decided, must be strictly enforced. For such standard basic standards, because of its wide range of guidance for all walks of life, should be used in accordance with production, be treated differently. Such as GB / T1182-1996 "shape and position tolerances General, definitions, symbols and drawings notation" This standard is widely used in the mechanical design, process equipment, and other mechanical parts design, is an engineering technical language, similar to such standards It should be directly used. There are some standard, the standard required to have diversity, companies in the use of such standards, the specific provisions should be made according to the needs of enterprises.

Such as GB / T1.22-1993 "work of standardization second unit: standard method for determining the content of Part 22: reference standard requirements", the standard reference to the standard provisions of the following ways:

Proactive process documents and technical conditions generally between processes and inspection procedures, sent to all production units, production of a large number of production units in the preparation of technical documentation in accordance with the dominant process documents, such as process card, process card, when file Reference Standard void, if the adoption date reference, that shall be the appropriate files to modify, workload, easily causing inconvenience to the production technology management.

Use undated reference, simply replace obsolete documents cited involved in the standard version, ensure the validity of reference standards, without the need to modify the technical documentation. When there are substantial changes in the technical content of the original standard reference standard after revision, the dominant response process to revise the documents.