The noise of the bearing
Voice has caused vibration, are the acoustic characteristics of vibration. Characterization of the noise sound intensity level, sound pressure level and sound power level. Sound intensity level of expression is:
L1 = 10 log (I/I).
L1 for sound intensity level (dB)
I sound intensity (W/m2)
I0 benchmark sound intensity, 10-12 w/m2, is the threshold of the 1000 hz.
The vibration acceleration level of expression is:
L = 20 log (a/a).
L, vibration acceleration level (dB)
A, a frequency range of vibration acceleration RMS value, (m/S2)
A0 = 9.8110 m/S2
Testing instruments bearing vibration acceleration are common, the detection of bearing noise equipment is very complex, there is no general enterprises of such equipment.