The commodity code classification requirements:
1, a complete classification: a finished goods in the classified, according to its full name (classification, our professional customs clearance and customs that this classification is specified and classified, is ` speaking, your product name coincides with the product code book a commodity code (HS CODE) - induced or - like completely for example: frozen beef tongue, there is a special code 02062100, frozen beef liver is `02062200) this situation is rare, because as a tool code book, can not cover all of the world's trade name, but, the same goods in their name is not the same, so many people just give a description of goods ask someone to check code, is tantamount to tell other people to find a needle in a haystack! You do remember ah, when providing a name, it uses, method of use, components, materials and so on more data!
2, use classification: if the name of a goods and no clear corresponding code, immediately consider the use and function of it, according to the classification, the purpose to find the corresponding for example: Gree split 2 air-conditioning, which belongs to the machinery class, just to the 84 chapter to the 8415, and then to the air conditioner inside to find, then find 84151021 (refrigerating capacity below 4000 kcal / hour of air conditioner) such cases accounted for the import and export of goods, a large proportion, the general can rarely find specific corresponding to said first case coding,
3, mixed classification: (also called components classified) if a product which has several components, corresponding and without a corresponding code coincides with the product name, to classify the basic characteristics of finished materials or components in accordance with. For example: iron clothes, no specific corresponding code, from the use of can not find the use of such specific, only by starting materials, iron and steel products, the 73 chapter, other steel products 7326, 73262090 (with steel wire non industrial products) or 73269090 (steel products with other non industrial) can. (this also accounted for the import and export of goods, a large proportion, so you in the supply of information, as even the materials, components also provide clear, electrical goods that voltage, power, automotive products that is' what for automobile, automobile emission conditions)