[official: 9 soybean and corn is genetically modified varieties American] office of minister of Ministry of agriculture biotechnology coordinator Michael Schachtman 6, said in Beijing, more than 90% America corn and soybean production is genetically modified varieties. Last year USA export soybean and corn are respectively 39100000 tons and 24000000 tons, of which exports China respectively is 24600000 tons and 4000000 tons. (Yu Wenjing, Dong Jun)
[official]: safety of genetically modified food USA Office of minister of Ministry of agriculture biotechnology coordinator Michael sand Berkman says 6 days, in the American, GM soy consumption has a history of nearly 20 years, the supermarket shelves 2/3 food containing genetically modified ingredients. American not found due to consumption of genetically modified food problems. "My colleagues and I eat genetically modified food."