
US Airways flight 9 crew feeling unwell
  The 10 day, the flight American US Airways flight from Italy to USA Philadelphia, during the flight 9 crew members on machine feeling unwell, the aircraft made an emergency landing at the airport in ireland.
American Airlines spokesman confirms 10 days, the plane carrying 185 passengers of US Airways flight 715, 10 am local time, 11:35 from Italy Venice to take off, fly to USA philadelphia. During the flight, the flight 9 crew members felt dizziness, nausea, around 15:15 p.m. local time, the Irish Dublin Airport flight made an emergency landing. Allegedly, when the plane landed, Dublin airport emergency services and medical staff have been waiting at the airport, 9 crew members were taken to a local hospital.
It is reported, this flight was an Airbus A330-200. American Airlines spokesman said the same day, the pilot and the flight 185 passengers did not appear similar symptoms. And suggested that the passengers take other flights to philadelphia.
Confirm the Irish Dublin Airport Authority, the flight has been cancelled, the aircraft will be temporarily at the airport check.